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Orthokeratology (also known as Ortho-K, night-time lenses, and EyeDream lenses) involves the precision fitting of special rigid gas permeable (RGP) lenses which are worn overnight to subtly reshape the cornea. This reshaping effectively corrects the myopia for about a day, so that the following day there is no need to wear glasses or contact lenses. The lenses must be worn every night in order to achieve good vision the next day.

Ortho-K works best for those with a maximum prescription of -4.50 and with less than -1.50 of astigmatism. It is a great option for:

  • Kids and teenagers with progressing myopia

  • Kids, teenagers and adults who would like the freedom from glasses or lenses during the day

  • Those who are unable to wear lenses during the day due to dry eyes or allergies

  • People who do a lot of water sports in which it isn’t practical to wear glasses or soft contact lenses.


For further information on Ortho-K please give us a call or pop in for a chat.

Give your eyes the freedom to breathe. 

Made from a material that allows high levels of oxygen permeation, Ortho-K lenses are specifically designed for you to sleep in without having a drying effect. Leaving a residual window over your cornea that corrects short-sightedness, the effects last throughout the day and remove the need to wear glasses or daytime lenses.


OVC provides a less invasive alternative to laser eye surgery, whilst freedom from spectacles and contact lenses means that sports can be enjoyed more conveniently and eyes are less irritated during the day.


Having been used for vision correction for more than ten years, Ortho-K has also proven to be a highly effective treatment for short-sightedness in children. Recent research has even shown that it could help slow the progression of myopia in younger patients.

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